Next Gen - What Do They Need?

Lots of assumptions get thrown around about this next generation coming into the work force.

Most of what we hear is down to that individual’s perception and not necessarily just examining the data. Based on the research we’ve done with clients over the last year, as well as reports from other sources, these are the key components of getting the workplace to function for Gen Z.


Make the office an accessible environment, so they are comfortable approaching various people within the organisation. Goodbye to glass barriers, hello to management that is available within the open plan.


Create quiet spaces where they can go to do heads down work without interruption. These are the people likely living in shared housing or still at home with their parents. They are more likely to need the office 4 or 5 days a week and therefore, need the office not just to be a place for collaboration but also solitary work.


And most importantly, the office should allow humans to do what they love most – be with other humans. The last 2.5 years has deprived this generation in particular of the office as the perfect backdrop for meeting a new friend, for having a drink with a colleague, for breaking out a cake to celebrate someone’s birthday. These experiences create synergies within organisations that great cultures are built on.

By: Tara Hack, Regional Principal, Design

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